Heaven’s Heartbeat - When the Answers Don’t Come
Daniel, a Bible hero in the Old Testament, had some really big asks in his prayer time. He believed in God with all his heart, was willing to risk his life for that faith, and prayed before his open window (at least) three times a day.
But in one season of his life, the answer to his prayers didn’t come. Not for days on end. Until it did.
While Daniel was out for a walk by the canal, a powerful angel showed up, sending the prophet to his knees. But the heavenly messenger’s words were encouraging:
“O Daniel, greatly loved of God, listen carefully to what I have to say to you. Stand up, for I have been sent to you….Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your prayer has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer.”
(Daniel 10:11-12 NLT)
Daniel had been exiled from Israel when he was just a teenager, and lived out his life in a foreign land, far from home and loved ones. Despite this, his faith in God remained unshaken through all those years, a beacon of hope in his darkest hours. His story is not just a historical account but a living testament to the enduring power of faith—even in the most trying of circumstances. As we face our own challenges, let’s reflect on the message God shared with Daniel in his crucible of pain, pressure and problems.
1. You are greatly loved
2. Your prayer has been heard
3. I am here because you prayed
It turns out the angel had run into interference from dark powers, but eventually broke through with the answers to Daniel’s prayers (Daniel 10:13).
Here is what that says to me: Just because everything you asked God for hasn’t happened doesn’t mean nothing is happening, nor does it mean God isn’t busy working on your behalf. Yes, what we see as a “delayed response” can be a source of confusion and uncertainty. But faith reminds us that God hears every prayer, and that He is certainly at work—even in ways beyond our comprehension.
Amidst the trials and tribulations, it’s crucial to remember that God’s love is all-encompassing. His steadfast love remains unchanged, a constant source of comfort and strength in our lives.
Daniel’s message shows us that while we may wonder where our prayers went, we can be confident that God heard them, took them to heart and, in His wisdom, will answer in His time—and in His way.
While we may not have the power to change the troubling headlines in today’s news or fix everything going sideways in our lives, we have a powerful tool at our disposal: prayer.
In these uncertain times, let us not underestimate the strength and comfort that can be found in our conversations with God.
Remember, we are here for this season and His reason. Our job isn’t finished yet, and it’s in these hard times that our perseverance and unwavering trust in God’s plan are most crucial.
Yes, as believers in the one true God, all of us will face determined opposition, just as Daniel did. And like him, the answers to our prayers may not come instantly like a text on an iPhone.
But we can know for sure that if we belong to Jesus and pray in His name, our prayers are heard in heaven. And He will answer in His time.
There is comfort in that thought, and Daniel felt it, too. The angel put it like this: “Don’t be afraid…for you are very precious to God. Peace! Be encouraged! Be strong!” (Daniel 10:19).
- Micah