Our Team
We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization headquartered in the United States, operating with a board of directors who are professionals in their respective fields.
Micah & Nancy Smith
Micah Smith is the founder and president of Global Gateway Network. He loves working with his family and the GGN team to impart vision, disciple and send people around the world to help and serve suffering people in the 10/40 Window in the name of Christ. Micah and Nancy were married in April 1975 and have five children and ten grandchildren. Nancy loves to prepare delicious meals for family and friends and brightens the world with her love and laughter. Micah enjoys writing and trail running, and mountain biking with Nancy.
Dicky & Kathy Hartman
Dicky and Kathy Hartman own and operate a ranch North of Post, Texas. Raised on a cotton and peanut farm near Plains, Texas, Dicky learned farming from his dad and purchased his first cattle herd in high school. Along with serving as a local church board member for many years, the Hartmans helped plant a church in Oklahoma. Their home Church is Caprock Spring Fellowship, where Kathy serves on the praise and worship team.
Greg & Vonda Smith
Based in the Tri-Cities, Washington, Greg and Vonda Smith own and have operated several successful businesses in the area, continuing as property management for commercial locations. Greg has had a wide-ranging ministry in music, serving as a worship pastor at his local congregation and performing vocally at community events. In addition to serving as board members of GGN, they have been involved in missions trips to Vietnam, Thailand and Israel.
Craig & Darla Delarm
Craig and Darla Delarm have a heart for people. They have been married since August 1980 and make home in Nine Mile Falls, WA. They have two children and nine grandchildren whom they delight in blessing. Craig has a teacher’s heart, having served many years as a local church elder, and president of the motorcycle ministry, Soul Patrol. He retired as an ironworker and semi-retired as a heavy construction crane operator on equipment such as a 300-ton Manitowoc. Darla is a worship leader, musician and school administrator. She is now working part-time at a Christian School.
Ben & Hannah Phillips
Ben and Hannah both grew up in families involved in ministry and married in 2009. During their formative years, they were both profoundly impacted by serving in global missions in the Middle East and Asia, which instilled in them a passion for helping others find peace and hope through Jesus Christ.
Ben's professional focus is connecting people through technology, and Hannah is busy with their two boys as a homeschool teacher. Ben's interests span from backcountry hunting to distance running and guitar playing, while Hannah's heart lies in exploring new places and creating delicious baked goods.